Recently a group of young creative Indonesia was able to make short animated films uploaded on youtube under the title “Pada Suatu Ketika“. This short animation film received excellent response from the community. This suggests that many people in Indonesia who excel and compete with the outside world. Here are 10 works of pride of Indonesian people

10. Cancer Brain Exterminator Tool from MITI
Brain cancer is also referred to as the “silent killer” because people with this disease usually directly acute. Brain cancers are very dangerous and research efforts have been made to cure brain cancer. One is conducted by the Society of Scientists and Technologists Indonesia (MITI) in collaboration with Laboratory CTECH who managed to find cancer brain exterminator tool. The workings of cancer brain exterminator tool is to apply the method of static electricity and has been tested by a small brain cancer patients. Having applied for two months the patient was declared cured. The method of radiation-based tomography is static electricity, and will being works of pride of Indonesian people which will be a breakthrough in medicine.

9. Tablet PC Wakamini
As if not wanting to miss the giant vendors (such as Samsung, Apple, LG, etc.) that issued their device products (such as Tablet PCs, smartphones, notebooks, etc.), Indonesia launched the Tablet PC Wakamini. Wakamini is the work of the Indonesian people that prides and able to compete with products from the outside. Zyrex as Indonesia computer equipment manufacturers produce Tablet PC Wakamini MP 1291 series Multi-Touch and Wakatobi Mini 963 that claimed 100% made in Indonesia with prices ranging from 3 million dollars.

8. Axioo
Laptops or notebooks have become the most widely used devices. Indonesia should be proud because one of the Indonesian people are able to compete and penetrate the world of product range and become one of the products that adopt the second generation Intel Core processor. The product is Axioo. Axioo Neon HNM 14-inch notebook become the world’s first processors that are already using the technology previously known as Sandy Bridge. Axioo is one of the computers local brand which was founded by Samuel Lawrence and Singgih Salim.

7. KRI Krait 827
Indonesia with extensive maritime territorial, have many warships as defense and state security. Indonesian warship dominated by products from America, Holland and Germany. But now Indonesia has been able to produce ships of war made by the of Indonesia people. KRI (Warships of the Republic of Indonesia) 827 Krait is the result of cooperation of the Navy through Fasharkan (Facility Maintenance and Repair) and PT Batan EXPRESS Mentigi Shipyard (BES), Tanjung Guncung. KRI Krait 827 made from raw aluminum, bertonase 190 DWT with a range of about 2,500 Mil. Equipped with radar with a 96 Nautical Miles (equivalent to 160 km) with a navigation system GMDSS area 3 with a speed of 25 Knots installed, all of which is 100% of Indonesia’s people.

KRI Krait 827, works of pride of Indonesian people
Student of SMK (Vocational High School) 1 Singosari Malang are able to make a car that is named Car Esemka. Esemka car has 5 types of variants: SUVs, pick-up double cabin, sedan, single-cabin pick-ups, and vans. SMK students who on average were aged 16-17 years has been able to create the embryo of Indonesia technological advances in transportation. Making Cars Esemka cost of Rp. 175 Million for 5 types of car Esemka others performed by other schools. This car is priced at Rp. 80 Million per unit.

5. TNI Combat Robot
Robots created to facilitate human labor, there are many types of robots, such as humanoid robots, medical robots, robot like a pets and combat robot. Indonesia was able to make a robot fighter that was created in 2009 which is driven by electricity from two batteries. The combat robots created by the Research Institute of Technology (Lemjitek) Army, Karangploso, Malang regency and has several times tested. Robot combat measuring 1.5 m by 0.5 m and weighing about 100 kg capable of carrying 150 kg load and has a maximum speed of 60 km / h and able to explore up to 1 km from the control center. Robot combat is the work of Indonesia people in the field of defense and security.

4. Weapons Pindad Indonesia
PT. Pindad is a state enterprise engaged in the manufacturing industry that specializes in the field of military products. These products are made for commercial interests who control every aspect of the country is exported. PT. Pindad produce weapons such as Sidearms, Submachine Guns, Assault Rifles, Battle Rifles, Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, Grenade launchers, Mortar, Gun, Panzer and others. These products are in design, development, engineering and fabrication, and maintenance are all made by the proudly of the Indonesian people.

3. Animation film “Pada Suatu Ketika”
Well here it is being discussed in various media, on TV, internet and other media. A works of pride of Indonesian people, a short animated movie uploaded on youtube. An animated film that inspired the Hollywood movie “Transformers” was created by a group of creative young man who called himself LakonAnimasi. The story is typical of Indonesia transportation facilities such as Bajaj, Kopaja, motorcycle taxis, which turned into a robot with the arrival of an alien with the space ship. By setting the atmosphere of the market crowd, bajaj base, Kopaja and motorcycle taxis, which describes the “very Indonesia”. This animated film is not inferior to outside production studios such as Pixar, Dreamworks Animation, etc. and are expected to compete with Hollywood movies.

2. Indonesian Anoa Panzer
This is one of works of pride of Indonesian people, Indonesian Anoa Panzer. Indonesian anoa Panzer, armored transport vehicle is produced by PT. Pindad in 2006 as many as 150. Naming Anoa Panzer Indonesia inspired monocoque design of a typical mammal Sulawesi, with a view that is not inferior to European-made. Indonesia Anoa Panzer equipped with bulletproof steel that will not penetrate the AK47 or M-16. Having 90km/jam speed, with six wheels able to climb to 45 degrees and can jump the width of one meter. Although the Indonesia Anoa Panzer produced with the purpose of defense and state security, but some countries expressed interest in buying Indonesian Anoa Panzer such as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Oman, Bangladesh and Nepal.

1. N-250 Gatotkaca
Gatotkaca N-250 aircraft is the pride of the nation’s aircraft Indonesia produced 100% by the Indonesian people under of PT. IPTN (now PT. Dirgantara Indonesia) in 1995. Types of Gatotkaca N-250 was regional commuter aircraft with turboprop capable of carrying 50-70 passengers. Gatotkaca N-250 was officially showcased at Cengkareng 1996 by then president of Indonesia at the time, Suharto. Production of N-250 aircraft Ghatotkacha eventually declined even stopped production due to financial crisis in Asia in 1998. N-250 aircraft Ghatotkacha initiated again by BJ Habibie with the approval of SBY.