In Chinese Town ChangChun, a young girl dressed in wedding dress decided to kill herself after she found out that the man who she was about to marry had left her and got married with someone else. She was eventually saved by rescuers.
A real houseboatThis is actually more of a house ship than it is a house boat. It was built by a Russian guy Nicolai without any plans or sketches. His neig…Read More...
Dracula's castleDracula Castle, TransylvaniaBran Castle situated near Bran and in the immediate vicinity of Brasov, is a national monument and landmark in R…Read More...
Trains in JapanBelieve it or not, these photographs are of a train interior in Japan!With the results looking nicer than most nurseries, the Japanese have …Read More...
Canada’s longest suspension bridgeCanada’s longest suspension bridge spans 600 feet across the Eagle Canyon and is now open to tourists. It sits 150 feet above the canyon flo…Read More...