TENBY, UK--Great-grandmother Lillian Lowe, 103, of Tenby, England, Facebooks with an Apple iPad in order to keep in touch with family and friends - setting the new
world record for the Oldest Living Facebook user.
Photo: Lillian Lowe, pictured here with her 10-year-old great grand daughter Kaylee Lowe, is the world's oldest Facebooker at 103.(enlarge photo)
She has signed up to the website to keep up with news from her seven grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
She has 34 "friends" on the social networking site, the most active being her great-granddaughter Kaylee Lowe, 10.
Lowe, a widow from Tenby, Pembrokeshire, said it was "just lovely" seeing all her photographs on the site.
Lowe, who can remember the day the Titanic sank in 1912 and was already at school when the World War 1 broke out, said of the iPad's capabilities: "I love it -- it's very exciting. It's a wonderful way of finding out about things,". "I recommend it for any grandparents to keep in touch with family."
But she added: "I'm sure there are lots of other things I should be doing rather than playing on a computer."
The previous Guinness World Record holder, Ivy Bean from Bradford, 104 (who was also a big tweeter) passed away this summer.
Lillian, The World's Oldest Facebook user, used to run a hotel, but unsurprisingly has retired now, so has plenty of pottering time.
Unlike most pensioners, however, her pottering is done on an Apple iPad
(which she finds easier to cope with than a laptop due to the touch
Photo: Her current profile picture has her with the Apple iPad showing Facebook on the touch-screen.
(enlarge photo)
Facebook, which now has over 500 million users, sees Ms Lowe around two times a week.
The technologically aware great-grandmother has just a small collection of friends, and uses Facebook mainly to keep in touch with family.
The great-grandmother - dubbed Supergran by her family - was already at school when the First World War started and was 12 before she had a radio in her house.
Lillian said: 'I think virtually everything has been invented during my time. What I particularly like now is this Google Earth.
Although since she's been handed the crown of Facebook's oldest user, she has been inundated with congratulations, and something in the order of a thousand friend requests.
Local paper the Tenby Observer dubbed Lillian "Superhighway Gran."
Her grandson Steve said: "What's great about gran is that she's not afraid to take things on and is always willing to learn - she's a great inspiration to us all."
According to the Guinness World Records, the most comments on a single Facebook post is 10,260, featured on the Facebook page for Dirty Dancing (1987).
Guinness World records also listed the most popular game on Facebook: FarmVille (Zynga, 2009), which had 53,738,309 monthly active users as of 29 November 2010.
Photo: Lillian Lowe, pictured here with her 10-year-old great grand daughter Kaylee Lowe, is the world's oldest Facebooker at 103.(enlarge photo)
She has signed up to the website to keep up with news from her seven grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
She has 34 "friends" on the social networking site, the most active being her great-granddaughter Kaylee Lowe, 10.
Lowe, a widow from Tenby, Pembrokeshire, said it was "just lovely" seeing all her photographs on the site.
Lowe, who can remember the day the Titanic sank in 1912 and was already at school when the World War 1 broke out, said of the iPad's capabilities: "I love it -- it's very exciting. It's a wonderful way of finding out about things,". "I recommend it for any grandparents to keep in touch with family."
But she added: "I'm sure there are lots of other things I should be doing rather than playing on a computer."
The previous Guinness World Record holder, Ivy Bean from Bradford, 104 (who was also a big tweeter) passed away this summer.
Lillian, The World's Oldest Facebook user, used to run a hotel, but unsurprisingly has retired now, so has plenty of pottering time.
Unlike most pensioners, however, her pottering is done on an Apple iPad
Photo: Her current profile picture has her with the Apple iPad showing Facebook on the touch-screen.
(enlarge photo)
Facebook, which now has over 500 million users, sees Ms Lowe around two times a week.
The technologically aware great-grandmother has just a small collection of friends, and uses Facebook mainly to keep in touch with family.
The great-grandmother - dubbed Supergran by her family - was already at school when the First World War started and was 12 before she had a radio in her house.
Lillian said: 'I think virtually everything has been invented during my time. What I particularly like now is this Google Earth.
Although since she's been handed the crown of Facebook's oldest user, she has been inundated with congratulations, and something in the order of a thousand friend requests.
Local paper the Tenby Observer dubbed Lillian "Superhighway Gran."
Her grandson Steve said: "What's great about gran is that she's not afraid to take things on and is always willing to learn - she's a great inspiration to us all."
According to the Guinness World Records, the most comments on a single Facebook post is 10,260, featured on the Facebook page for Dirty Dancing (1987).
Guinness World records also listed the most popular game on Facebook: FarmVille (Zynga, 2009), which had 53,738,309 monthly active users as of 29 November 2010.