1,016 Piercings in One Sitting Typing to One Million Eye-Popping Record World’s Tallest Chocolate Skyscraper Most t-shirts worn at one time: 121 World’s Biggest Cookie World’s Longest Eyebrow World’s Largest Rubber Band Ball
Animal slaughter festival in NepalOn November 24, about one million people gathered in a small village in Bariyapur, Nepal, to witness a large-scale sacrifice ceremony in …Read More...
RubberboyContortionist Daniel Browning Smith, known world-wide as ‘Rubberboy,’ is the most flexible man in the world, and a 5-time Guinness World Re…Read More...
Iceland SinkholeAdventure kayaker Mick Coyne lowers himself down the wall of a sinkhole toward the headwaters of the Jokulsa, Iceland’s second longest riv…Read More...
Unique bridges around the worldPedestrian Bridge, Texas
This beautiful arched bridge in Lake Austin was a private build by Miro Rivera Architects and is used to connect …Read More...
Entire Soccer team perishesAn entire soccer team dies after being struck by a lighting during a match
During a game between Bena Tshadi and visitors Basanga in the D…Read More...